Recently came a new fellow in our camp. not very welcome by our fellowmates. not becuz he is not handsome nor is he not smart loooking.we accept that.but he just got tt fk up face tt no one will like. he is our new DXO, Gordon'sFrend(*not his real name), as requested not to be identified. well, he doesnt really has a high EQ despite he seems to look as if he holds high IQ, who cares.fk u 31yr old man.ok.he made his 1st appearance during our team building day and he tried to impress us; [well, us = sk (*not HER real name)] by doing alot of stupid talking. he likes to tell jokes which brings along some swords in his lines - aka sacastic + 讽刺, but well no one actually cares, only he laughs. sad to say. he holds a grant geographical position in the office, living in his own world, own chair, own 4 mice, own water tank,own tons of HR Management books, own..owned.. yeah he is owned.. pawned u beach. anyway, he ride a 4 wheel vehicle that resemble Adidas(*not his real name). both the same type.haix. all in all, family day is coming. therefore to show a token of appreciation and welcoming our new mate, we specially design this poster for him and will thus request his autograph beside it and hang it on his wall where he is facing. thats how we should go, thats how a team goes, thats how CLME goes. CLME FOREVER. A Happy Family! YES. 万岁 万岁 万万岁~ fk u bern...eh Hem*~