Tuesday, August 12, 2008


today is a shag day. 1pm went to KTv till 7pm and rush back to hall as 8pm we have this Pageant Training till 1130pm. The pageants did great job and improved alot. physically n mentally.

today is the 1st time i scold ppl after for so long,can say years.piss me off only.beach

During training came this girl, shes in our committee too. as Pageant Liason or something..her name is _____. and i know she will not come to my blog n read.cuz she wun know about this address. came in only got tt black face. than talk to me like i owe her life time.i fucking hate ppl who doesnt know how to respect others.so wat if shes a senior.kao
initially asked me wat the pageants wear..
i paused n think..
she questioned me again, "wat they wear" , in such manner..
than again she said: "wat they wear" <-- raised volume, giving that commanding tone. like i owe her big time.think junior nice to eat right.. Nabei, i just fuck her off in her face: Eh nabei CB, dun talk to me in such manner, u wan u talk properly to me, wat the fuck u wan

and i just walked off and settle other stuff.
dun hav time to querral with such ignorant creature..



Anonymous said...

WUHahaa~~~ it's so you~
Give chance la~!


Anonymous said...

Din tink that anyone could blow you up.. tt beach is F attitude..