Its a uru area, not as urban as the city. When the night comes, the street is pitch dark with no street lights..but glimmering shines from the stars above us in the sky..So nice..
So check this out..
Day 9,10,11,12...
On our way to heaven to meet la..we are walking up to a temple in Pongsong Village..haha
This are the pics and view of the village..the moment i step out of my Host family's house..this is the view..wooo.. on the right the white brick house, is where Peiling Jingyun Stacey stayed..haha..Neighbour we are.. everymorning open window can see eachother.haaaaaaa...k not funny..
this is my Host family HOuse..woo.. they are cooking dinner for Me and victor n Praxa..haa..
Mother and Her daughter(*15 yr old wo..hiakhiakhiak.~)
Mother showing some skill on her silking tailor watever skill..wo..veyr nice n tradition..Nice.
OUr dinnner for 1st on this pic.check out the dishes, Buffalo Meat, Cat fish. Bamboo Soup, Chille, STICKY RICE..YEah
this is the primary house at POngsong Village..the kids are younger and even the elder Kids totally hav NO knowledge of the slightest English language.. we shall teach them..
Brike + EyeBrown
teaching them how to dance and sing..ahahhaha...
Kaixiang..pointing at the blackboard coincidentally.. actually is i ask him to post wan..okok..
teaching good morning,afternoon n good night
Its Ellie and CMY, nu zhong 蚝油..
Teaching teaching n teaching english..
This are the Shanti Volunteer student. Laos Student, they are also Student from Laos university and they speak GOod english man.. We rocks..
this is one of the games the kids here play during their recess.. known as Jumping Rubber. (*ok i anyhow name wan..i dunno wats the real
to be continue..i go play dota 1st..
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