Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Berry and Weiming

Despite Exams coming and Lots to Study..
we Still will not forget to celebrate Bday For our Frends in Hall..

Happy Berry and Weiming
This is wat we did..
.in hall~

Operation Weiming:
  1. Everyone Meet up again, this time with Equiptments ready..
  2. Ambush him in his Room.
  3. Grab Him and Bring him to the top open air level..
  4. Pin him down and Use his Shirt to cover his Face (*so he dunno who did it)..we POur Facial/Shaver Cream over his Body,nIpple and Birdy area in his Pants.. THan Pour Icy Cold Water...
  5. Turn him over and we Stuff IceCream into His naked ASs..
  6. Lastly, Performed "Whose Your Daddy"..Candle Dripping on his BOdy and NIpple..
  7. After that eat Cake..
  8. Than ONce again Pin and Held him down, and Stuff the Cake into his Ass AGain`>.
Happy Bday Weiming.. WAHHAhahaaa

Operation Berry:
  1. Everyone Meet up and gather..
  2. Ambush him in his room.
  3. Grab him and bring him to Nanyang Audi..with Water and Pond..
  4. On the way, Open his Leg and Bang his Dick against the LampPOst..
  5. Throw him into Water..
  6. Smash Eggs and Cake..
  7. Finally, Pin him down, Use his shirt cover his Face and perform "Whose Your Daddy".. aka Candle Dripping on his BOdy..
  8. Cut and Eat Cake..on the way Back, we Pin him Down again And.. TEAR HIS UNDERWEAR>>..
Happy Bday Berry..WaHAHHAhaa

1 comment:

DefinitelySiao said...

haha u not scared 报应啊?